Overview of the Power of Attorney

Overview of the Power of Attorney

A person may be unable to act personally in relation to a transaction involving his or her property or business, due to poor health, being unavailable, or lacking experience in the relevant sector. In such a circumstance, he may engage an attorney to act in his stead in relation to those transactions. Power of attorney […]

Environmental Regulation in the Oil and Gas Industry

Like many other sectors in the Nigerian economy, there seems to be a myriad of regulations, laws and policies tailored toward the protection of the environment. At the center of these regulations is the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (“NESREA” or “the Agency”) which has the general responsibility for promoting the sustainable development […]

Nigeria Cash Withdrawal Limit: Legality of the Central Bank of Nigeria (Cbn) Circular with Ref. Nos.: Bsd/Dir/Pub/Lab/015/069 And Bsd/Dir/Pub/Lab/015/073

Following the redesigning of the currency (Naira i.e. 200, 500 & 1000) of Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) issued a memo dated 6th December 2022 and referenced BSD/DIR/PUB/LAB/015/069 to all Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) and other financial institutions in furtherance to its cashless policy. It mandated that effective from 9th January 2023, there […]

Pre-Arbitration Emergency Measures Under the Arbitration and Mediation Bill 2022.

The passage of the Arbitration and Mediation Bill 2022 (“the Bill”) introduces innovative fallback provisions in the legal framework for alternative dispute resolution in Nigeria. Under the Bill, provisions have been made for appointment of emergency arbitrators and applications for grant of interim measures pending arbitration. Section 16 of the Bill provides that a party […]

Efficacy Of Court Orders Directing The Conduct Of Fresh Primaries Outside The 180 Days Threshold For General Elections: A Review Of The Electoral Act, 2022

The guidelines of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) include timelines for primary elections, campaigns, substitution of candidates, general elections e.t.c. Section 29 (1) of the Electoral Act (“the Act”) states that: “(1) Every political party shall, not later than 180 days before the date appointed for a general election under this Act, submit to […]

International Maritime Day 2022: New Technologies for Greener Shipping

Today, the 29th of September marks the 2022 World Maritime Day. The theme “New Technologies for Greener Shipping” was chosen by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to promote the use of technologies that minimizes carbon footprint and other environmental pollutions generated by the maritime industry for a sustainable maritime sector. This is in consonance with […]