Overview of the Power of Attorney

Overview of the Power of Attorney

A person may be unable to act personally in relation to a transaction involving his or her property or business, due to poor health, being unavailable, or lacking experience in the relevant sector. In such a circumstance, he may engage an attorney to act in his stead in relation to those transactions. Power of attorney […]

Nigeria Cash Withdrawal Limit: Legality of the Central Bank of Nigeria (Cbn) Circular with Ref. Nos.: Bsd/Dir/Pub/Lab/015/069 And Bsd/Dir/Pub/Lab/015/073

Following the redesigning of the currency (Naira i.e. 200, 500 & 1000) of Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) issued a memo dated 6th December 2022 and referenced BSD/DIR/PUB/LAB/015/069 to all Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) and other financial institutions in furtherance to its cashless policy. It mandated that effective from 9th January 2023, there […]

Efficacy Of Court Orders Directing The Conduct Of Fresh Primaries Outside The 180 Days Threshold For General Elections: A Review Of The Electoral Act, 2022

The guidelines of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) include timelines for primary elections, campaigns, substitution of candidates, general elections e.t.c. Section 29 (1) of the Electoral Act (“the Act”) states that: “(1) Every political party shall, not later than 180 days before the date appointed for a general election under this Act, submit to […]

Legality of Placeholder Arrangement in the Nigerian Electoral Process

The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (the 1999 Constitution) and the Electoral Act, 2022 place premium on the power of political parties to hold, conduct, administrate and coordinate their primaries (either through election or consensus). This is a necessary procedure for submission of nominated names to the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) as […]

Decriminalisation of Bigamy in Lagos State And its Legal Implications

The present Nigerian criminal justice system is part of Nigeria’s inheritance from colonial Britain. In fairness, it served the colonial power rather well. But with the transformation from colonialism to self-governance, democracy, military rule and now a hybrid of civilian rule and democracy, the inherited system had come under severe strain to the extent that […]

Covid-19 Pandemic: A Force Majeure to Reckon with in Business Today

As at April 5, 2020 the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) has reported over two hundred countries/territories/areas with confirmed cases of the COVID-19 pandemic with the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) joining the list of territories with confirmed cases in the past 24 hours. Nigeria has reported 230 cases and 6 deaths. The world has over 1,200,000 confirmed […]

Upturning the $9.6 Billion Arbitral Award Granted P&ID

A little storm has been brewing since the $9.6 billion arbitral award against Nigeria in favour of P&ID. The processes leading up to the GSPA agreement subject of the award have been intensively reviewed by the EFCC and by various committees of the present government. New facts suggesting acts of fraud by agents of both […]