Navigating the Uncertainties in the Nigerian Data Protection Act, 2023: Expectations From the National Committee for GAID

Navigating the Uncertainties in the Nigerian Data Protection Act, 2023: Expectations From the National Committee for GAID

The Nigerian Data Protection Act, 2023 (NDPA) is the primary legislation governing data protection in Nigeria. However, despite its robust provisions, the NDPA has left the task of crafting specific regulations and directives for the implementation of the NDPA to the Nigerian Data Protection Commission (NDPC). While this approach provides adaptability to changing circumstances, it […]

The Waning Popularity of Diplomatic Protection In Resolving International Investment Disputes

In a bid to impact the local economy of a State, most developed and developing countries strive to attract foreign direct investment (“FDI”) with a view to bringing new opportunities for education, technology, and culture. Investors leverage this by establishing local companies (which may most times require acquisition of properties) and carrying on businesses in […]

An Analysis of Nigeria’s Immigration Landscape Through a Global Lens

Migration is a global trend. Countries around the world are experiencing a significant increase in cross-border movement either as origin countries of migration or destination countries. This phenomenon is largely driven by economic, educational, and personal motivations and in turn, occasions demographic, economic, and political effects. A key aspect of migration is the movement of […]

Board Evaluation: An Effective Tool of Corporate Governance and Sustainability

Effective and proactive Boards play a crucial role in the facilitation of a sustainable business. One essential tool for corporate sustainability is periodic board evaluations. When rightly conducted, board evaluation critically assesses the capacity and capability of members of the Board, identifies their strengths and weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It may also provide the […]

Energy Transition in Nigeria and ESG (Part 1): Nigeria’s International Commitment

In the global pursuit for a sustainable future, the international community has adopted a multifaceted approach, of which Energy Transition occupies a pivotal position, in addressing the stark realities of climate change. In the absence of careful and strategic economic restructuring, the implications of Energy Transition for a country such as Nigeria, heavily dependent on […]

Legal Requirements for Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria

Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and development in nations. The concept of FDI involves a financial investment made by a company or individual from one country into another country with the intent of acquiring significant control in the foreign entity. It provides essential skills, technology advancement and financial  […]

Highlights of NERC’s Customer Protection Regulations 2023

Since the enactment of the Electric Power Sector Reform Act (EPSRA) in 2005 and the establishment of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (“NERC” or the “Commission”), the Commission has published multiple regulations, codes, standards and rules cutting across various aspects of the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (“NESI”) in a bid to promote a viable electricity […]

Constitutional Amendment – Exclusion of Intervening Events in Electoral Matters

The integrity and transparency of any democratic system hinge on the constitutional framework 1 governing its electoral process. Over the past two decades of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (“Constitution”) has undergone numerous amendments to adapt to the evolving needs of the nation. Among these amendments, the fifth […]

Legal Threshold of a Valid Will in Nigeria

A Will is a testamentary disposition usually made by a testator to give instructions to his executors on how he wishes to have his/her assets distributed upon his demise. There is a lot of skepticism about Will making, but if it is made in compliance with the dictates of the law it is usually beneficial […]

An Overview of The Evidence (Amendment) Act 2023

The Evidence (Amendment) Act 2023 (the “Amendment Act”) was signed into law by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 12th June 2023. The Amendment Act did not repeal the Evidence Act 2011 (the “Principal Act”), however, it amended some provisions of the Principal Act by introducing new provisions with the aim of […]