The Nigerian mining sector is a relatively untapped one with huge potentials for the forward-thinking miner and investor. The country has come to realize the urgent need for economic diversification and the mining sector is forecast to be a major win. Our mining team is poised to help you explore the full potential that this sector has to offer. We understand the entire spectrum of mining operations and our team has experience dealing with the Mining Cadastre Office.
Accordingly, we are best positioned to help our clients with mineral rights applications, from Reconnaissance Permits, to Mining Leases and Quarry Licenses. The team is poised to facilitate all forms of foreign investment in local mining companies and establishment of local subsidiaries of foreign entities.
Our mining practice extends to advising on environmental law regulations, mergers and acquisitions, development finance, project and construction financing, equipment leasing and purchase issues, including assisting our clients through custom procedures for the purposes of equipment importation, export, and providing guidance on the trade of solid minerals internationally.
INTRODUCTION The Nigerian mining sector showed considerable resilience and potential for growth in 2024, despite ongoing challenges. The National Bureau of Statistics recently reported that
Despite abundant solid mineral resources, which include gold, lead, zinc, coal, bitumen, iron ore, limestone and barite, the Nigeria mining industry only contributes 0.15 percent
Tope Adebayo LP is a law firm registered under the Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a Limited Partnership to carry on the business of Legal Practice and Consultancy.
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