Underwriting Risk Commitments and Registration Requirements

Underwriting Risk Commitments and Registration Requirements

Underwriting has its origins in the insurance industry, where it entailed assuming risks connected to potential losses. The term underwriting is believed to have been initially associated with Lloyd’s of London, the leading insurer at that time. During the early days of maritime expansion, Lloyd’s would accept premiums in exchange for taking on risks such […]

A Guide to Adopting Corporate Governance for Startups

Corporate governance is a system that an organization puts in place to ensure its efficiency and sustainability. This system includes the rules, principles, ethics, and measures required to ensure compliance with regulatory and standard practice. Most jurisdictions have established standard corporate governance practices for public companies, emanating from an understanding of the need for a […]

Blockchain Policy: A Positive Development for Nigeria’s Ecosystem

Blockchain technology, known as BT, has gained widespread attention for its potential to revolutionize various sectors such as finance, education, healthcare, supply chain, and transportation worldwide. Nigeria, being the largest economy in Africa, has quickly recognized the advantages of this innovative technology. Nigeria has recently introduced a National Blockchain Policy aimed at promoting economic growth […]

A Review of the Copyright Act of 2022

On the 17th day of March 2023, the President of Nigeria assented to the Act passed by the Nigerian National Assembly in 2022 repealing the Copyright Act of 2004 and enacting the Copyright Act of 2022. The new Act represents a significant overhaul of the previous legislation, establishing a comprehensive legal framework for copyright protection […]

A Review of the Business Facilitation Act, 2022

Nigeria is a populous country with abundant natural resources, despite this, it has witnessed an exodus of international companies in the last few years. Nigeria is currently ranked 131 out of 190 economies in the World Bank ease of doing business index. This ranking is based on the friendliness of a country’s regulatory environment towards […]

The Time Frame Within Which Names of Ministers and Commissioners Nominated for Appointment are to be Submitted for Confirmation – What the Law Says

On Friday, 17th March 2023, news made the rounds that the immediate past President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari signed 16 Constitutional amendment Bills into law. One of these amendment Bills is the Fifth Alteration (No.23) which altered the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended) (“the 1999 Constitution”) […]

The Concept of Deemed Approval in the Oil and Gas Industry

The Nigerian petroleum sector is a heavily regulated industry with unique laws and regulations to guide both government and key players in their respective operations. This industry remains the highest contributor to the nation’s GDP and its importance to the economy is responsible for the strict oversight role played by the ministry of petroleum resources […]