Nigeria Avoids Payment of Us$11 billion Dollar Arbitral Award Debt to P&ID: Is the Legal Battle Really Over?

Exploring Surrogacy in Nigeria: A Compassionate Journey to Parenthood

INTRODUCTION In April 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that infertility has become a global health issue affecting millions of people of reproductive age. The WHO estimates that 1 in 6 people will experience infertility in their lifetime, indicating the urgent need to increase access to affordable, high-quality fertility care. The family being the […]

Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration: Disclosure Obligation as an Antidote to Conflicts of Interest in Third-Party Funding Arrangements.

INTRODUCTION The escalating costs associated with international arbitration have emerged as a significant concern, given their potential to reach exorbitant levels. These increasing costs have transformed into a formidable obstacle for the parties involved, fueling concerns that arbitration may only be accessible to “deep-pocket” entities or individuals, thereby potentially denying meritorious claims access to justice […]

Does Extension of Arbitration Agreements to Non-Signatories Undermine the Principle of Consent as Cornerstone of Arbitration?

INTRODUCTION International arbitration has long been regarded as the cornerstone for resolving disputes between parties engaged in cross-border transactions. A fundamental principle underpinning this mechanism is that arbitration is consensual – a contractual arrangement entered voluntarily to resolve disputes outside the traditional court systems. As frequently expressed in arbitration agreements, consent generally binds only parties […]

Zhongshan Fucheng Ind. Inv. Co. Ltd v. Nigeria: The Interplay Between Preservative Orders and Sovereign Immunity In the Seizure of Nigeria’s Presidential Jets

Introduction The intersection of pre-enforcement preservative orders and sovereign immunity presents a complex legal conundrum, particularly in cases where State assets are threatened with attachment to satisfy arbitral awards. This complexity was starkly illustrated in the recent seizure of Nigeria’s presidential jets by Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd (“Zhongshan”). This Chinese company sought to […]

Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd. V. Federal Republic of Nigeria – Exploring the Options Available to Resist the Enforcement of Arbitral Award

Introduction. It’s a matter of public record that the Federal Republic of Nigeria’s assets have been attached to enforce an arbitral award issued on 26 March 2021 by a UK tribunal. The circumstances leading to this are widely known and do not require further explanation. We have covered the case details in our previous instalment, […]