Maritime & Shipping

Our Shipping and Maritime team seamlessly applies its extensive expertise and profound understanding of the legal and regulatory landscape within the maritime industry, diligently safeguarding the interests of parties. With an in-depth comprehension of commercial issues, we prioritize offering our clients a strategic advantage in the global market.

Navigating the intricacies of vessel registration and compliance requirements is inherent to our capabilities, ensuring the seamless operations of your business. Our array of services is comprehensive, encompassing the drafting of commercial agreements, standard terms and conditions, shipbuilding agreements, and the provision of advisory services on various aspects of shipping, including vessel finance. We specialize in negotiating substantial investment projects and responding to incidents, such as cargo loss, explosions, and collisions.

Furthermore, our proficiency extends to the enforcement of maritime claims and insurance through the court system and other dispute resolution mechanisms. At TALP, we are committed to delivering practical solutions to our clients within the maritime sector.

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