Oil & Gas
February 1, 2024
A Report on the Nigerian Gas Industry and Investment Projections for 2024 and Beyond

As we stride into the new year, it is important to look back on the opportunities, challenges, and transformations witnessed

January 22, 2024
Oil Licensing Regime Under the Petroleum Industry Act 2021 (Part 4): Petroleum Mining Lease

Having satisfied all conditions imposed on the licensee and contained in the Oil Prospecting Licence (OPL), and upon commercial discovery

January 22, 2024
Oil Licensing Regime Under the Petroleum Industry Act 2021: Grounds for the Revocation of a Petroleum Prospecting Licence (PPL) (Part

Under the Petroleum Act (PA), there were 5 major grounds on which an Oil Prospecting Licence (OPL) could be revoked.