Nigeria’s Renewable Energy Potential: A Closer Look at the Nigerian Electricity Act 2023
On the 8th of June 2023, the Electricity Act was signed into law by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Act in addition to other provisions, revoked and repealed the Electricity Power Sector Reform Act (EPSRA) 2005. The new Act aims to establish a thorough legal and institutional structure for the Nigeria […]
Fuelling Nigeria’s Future: A Roadmap for Domestic Gas Pricing And Regulation (Part 2)
Introduction In Part 1 of this article series on Nigeria’s evolving gas pricing mechanism, we discussed the foundational principles guiding Domestic Base Pricing (DBP) in Nigeria’s domestic gas market. We also analysed the natural gas pricing framework overseen by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (“the Authority”), as well as the pricing frameworks […]
Implementation Framework and Potential Implications of the Domestic Crude Supply Obligations (“DCS0”)
INTRODUCTION While reiterating commitment to the development of the domestic crude oil market driven by willing buyer-willing seller arrangements, the Petroleum Industry Act 2021 (“PIA”) permits the imposition of Domestic Crude Oil Supply Obligations (“DCSO”) by the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (“NUPRC” or the “Commission”) on lessees of upstream petroleum operations (“lessees”) towards enhancing local […]