Litigation, Insights

An Overview of The Evidence (Amendment) Act 2023

The Evidence (Amendment) Act 2023 (the “Amendment Act”) was signed into law by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on 12th June 2023. The Amendment Act did not repeal the Evidence Act 2011 (the “Principal Act”), however, it amended some provisions of the Principal Act by introducing new provisions with the aim of aligning the Principal Act with contemporary global realities and technological advancements in evidence collation techniques.

This is aptly captured by the explanatory memorandum of the Amendment Act which expresses as its primary purpose, the amendment of “Evidence Act No. 18, 2011 to bring its provisions in accordance with global technological advancements in evidence taking which shall be applicable to all judicial proceedings in or before courts in Nigeria.”

The Amendment Act introduced provisions that are poised to alleviate difficulties in Nigerian Court proceedings, provide advantages to both local and international businesses, and eradicate judicial administrative obstacles. This article seeks to examine the modifications made by the Amendment Act and analyzes how its implementation could enhance proceedings within the Nigeria Court system…

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Harrison Ogalagu


Nnamdi Ezekwem


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