Construction & Infrastructure Projects, Insights

Lagos State Government Offers a 90-Day Amnesty for Planning Permit Compliance

Are you a property owner or developer with existing developments lacking proper Planning Permits? This is to inform you that the Lagos State Government is granting a 90-day amnesty period from May 2nd to July 30th, 2024. During this period, Planning Permits can be obtained without incurring statutory penalty fees.

To take advantage of this amnesty programme, applicants are expected to submit the required documents through the District Offices of the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority in any of the 57 local government areas of Lagos State. This amnesty gives property owners and existing developers the opportunity to regularise their existing developments. There is also a 5% discount if an applicant makes payment within ten days of being issued the bill of fees.


Under the Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning Law 2015, any physical development within Lagos State requires a Planning Permit from the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA). Failure to apply and obtain this Permit before any development is an offence and attracts penal fees.

The application to LASPPPA must be made using the form prescribed by the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Regulations in both physical and digital formats. This can be done through the online ePlanning Permit website at

Section 27 of the Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning Law, 2015

Section 28(1) of the Lagos State Urban and Regional Planning Law, 2015…

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Gbenga Samuel Ogundoye


Practice Key Contacts

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